Ara W系列前部是橡木加上鋁製支撐腳,輕巧而簡約,巧妙地幫安裝上的傢俱增添點綴而不喧賓奪主。它非常適合臥室、客廳、更衣室、浴室和廚房中的傢俱。目前提供橡木和胡桃木做挑選。Ara W系列當作垂直握把或水平把手皆適宜。
The front part is oak, while its supports are made from aluminium. It is light and minimalistic, so as not to dominate, but rather subtly complements any item. It is perfect for furniture in bedrooms, living rooms, changing rooms, bathrooms and kitchens. Available in oak and walnut. This model can be operated in vertical and in horizontal mode.