Temujin 是一家專營進口建築五金及室內裝潢材料的貿易商,為配合台灣市場趨勢與需求,目前代理的品牌以歐美國家為主,將歐美最新技術及設計的產品引進台灣;同時 Temujin 具有專業的五金提案與系統整合規劃能力,並能提供完整的產品諮詢及預算控制服務,歡迎來電洽詢。
Temujin is a professional importing company specialized in architectural hardware and interior decoration materials. In order to meet the trend and demand of the market, we launched and represented the leading hardware brands from the world, especially European countries, develop and promote the newest technology and design products in Taiwan market. Also Temujin has professional capability for hardware proposition and system integration planning, and provide products consulting and budget control services. Please feel free to contact us for cooperation.